
Posts Tagged ‘project

Yahoo Bike – side view

Originally uploaded by ginatrapani

Turns out, as always, [good] ideas does not come alone! I was thrilled to read this article on Gadet Lab and this article on PSFK about Yahoo’s camera equipped bicycle. The bicycles are equipped with solar powered Nokia N95 mobile phones using the GPS,  the camera and direct uploading to Flickr. The camera is also connected to an accelerometer, so that it takes pictures every 60 seconds, making it a “life streaming” bicycle, or maybe a blogject? The project is a part of Yahoo’s Start wearing purple campaign, (which I haven´t really got onto yet).

I find it quite exciting to see a very similar project to that of my own in development, especially from a big player like Yahoo, and it will be interesting to see what they do out of it. If you take a look at their flickr stream the images have striking resemblance to the images uploaded by my own flickr streaming city bike. (Do notice that comment which confirms one of my findings), so I look forward more results!

That was a lot of links to this and that, but you get my drift… More  will surely follow, but be sure to read my other project blog here in the mean time.

[lifehacker flickr-bikes-photo+map-locales-across-the-globe]

About this blog:

I am a master student at the Oslo school of Architecture & Design in Norway. My studies are in industrial design, focused on interaction design and tangible interactions. This blog follows a studio course called "Touch - new local interfaces" that researches tangible interaction and networked objects specially through RFID technology. My projects investigates interactions in the public domain, and is working against services around bike-sharing systems. Feel free to comment! Gunnar Bothner-By

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